Musings At Aga Khan Palace


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I wonder sitting under this Banyan Tree

                                                          What it meant back then to be free? 

Spacious rooms, bathtubs and palatial grounds

Guards everywhere doing their rounds.


The Raj’s attempt to cage a thinking mind

Put under arrest a man ahead of his time.

A motive to crush a movement so popular

Push the masses into despair and fear.

A bid to curtail the pursuit of freedom

And continue to hold the populace in fiefdom.


Gandhi, your dedication inspired hope,  

And gave the nation the courage to cope.


I wonder what being a woman meant back then

An era when you were married at ten.

To spend an entire life in one man’s shadow

To have a worldview so very narrow.

Devotion to a man’s dream so fully

To be rewarded with his celibacy.

Kasturba, it must have been tough

It seems on you, life was rather rough!



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