Marriage... Take 1

Our marriage is a genuine mystery
Deciphering it will be a real victory

We have built this relationship with love and sweat
The farts and burps we do regret

Our friendship and bond knows no bounds
To prove our point we do take rounds

Without the companionship we cannot live
In an argument, niether party will ever give

The memories created we can hardly recount
Our lack of understanding, kindly discount

Our kids have only strengthened our bond
To deal with their tantrums, niether of us are fond

Scuba and sky diving, a passion we share
The lizard on the wall, our biggest scare

Our discussions and talks go late into the night
Usually we end up having a fight

Without each other we cannot survive
To tolerate one another we daily strive

Our nights are filled with tender love and care
The responsibility of chores niether wants to bear

Our marriage has made our life complete
That is a perfect social media tweet

Our marriage was surely not made in heaven
That truly is our most honest confession!!


  1. Haha, this is hilarious and very relatable!


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