It Is All Because Of Us

By Aditi Munot
20 January,
‘The world’s problems are nothing but extensions of our personal problems.’ – U.G. Krishnamurti
These words are the complete truth. Every single problem that exists in our world is merely an extension of most personal problems or beliefs. What is terrorism if not an extension of the bigotry held in each individual’s mind. From the cradle to the grave, we are taught to and choose to believe in the superiority of our religion over all others. At some level, we all dislike, disrespect other religions, their preaching, beliefs and practices. Our God becomes the only God and all other Gods fake. These are the exact thoughts which lead to terrorism, right? Strong, unquestioning belief in one God, one Religion…. The concept of ‘jihad’, the holy war. Our very own narrow-mindedness, disregard if taken a little further results in terrorism.
The same is applicable in the case of love for country. We conceptually believe our nation is better and superior than any other. It could be any terms – culturally, monetarily, historically, militarily, racially. Aren’t wars an augmentation of this theory? One country attacks another country, kills thousands and maims and loots millions of innocent people, only because a major part of the population agrees with and supports this differentiation and discrimination.
Poverty is no exception. We basically agree with the concept of rich and poor. Each individual wants to be better off than his neighbour, possess and flaunt goods and a lifestyle better than many others. We do not want our cook or driver or workman to frequent the same restaurant and malls as we do. We want this divide between the rich and the poor. Similarly, we want poverty, developed nations and under-developed countries.
The same logic is applicable to almost everything. Be it racism, fascism, global warming, declining sex ratios, illiteracy, industrial genocide, male chauvinism, violence, exploitation or any other problem of the world. Racism is the pure outcome of prejudice, superiority and bias felt at the individual level. Any fascism – Nazi, Hindu, or Muslim cannot come about unless there is a grass root support from a large part of the populace to this bigotry. Global warming is not a problem created by countries but the lack of concern for the well being of the planet by all individuals. Most human beings believe the Earth is their property – to enjoy and plunder its resources and other species have no stand before the superior human race. Declining sex ratios is not a problem specific to any country or state. Every family wants a male child. In fact almost all educated couples want male off springs as well. What is illiteracy if not the desire of the literate to have a working class under them? Industrial genocide is possible only because huge populations are prepared to buy the goods produced at the cost of lives lost. If male chauvinism would have been unacceptable at the personal level could it have become a global phenomenon? Isn’t social violence an extension of domestic violence and ill treatment of children? Any form of exploitation, begins at the individual level – exploit the worker, exploit the secretary, exploit the wife. This extends to exploit the country, exploit the poor at large, exploit nature, exploit the planet. All these problems exist because most of us face, believe and support these philosophies in some way or the other.
Every single world problem, if we look closely enough springs from our personal thoughts. The roots of all these evils sprout in our very own minds. Thus, the question is not What is Wrong with the World but What Is Wrong With Each One Of Us?


  1. Ma'am,
    Your blog is really really very good, I am thoroughly impressed.
    Your views are of a perfect HUMAN BEING. But unfortunately not many of them exist on this planet. Although we do have a lot animals dressed up as humans (ever seen one of those political rallies with the mawali's. That scene always gives me the impression of a bunch of hyenas just howlin away our future.)
    Have You considered the view that maybe, some bad things are SUPPOSED to happen?
    I's my belief.
    The fabric of this world is woven with only two kinds of threads. Good and Bad. Our world is plagued by an eternal battle between good and evil. But here's the funny part. None of the sides is ever going to win. Their powers will just rise and fall with time. Becoz good cannot survive without evil and evil cannot rest without good. And this duality is the eternal truth.


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